How do I setup a new server?
A) During installation you will be asked a few questions, "Do
you agree to the license?", "Should spam reports be emailed daily?",
and "Please define a password".
B) Then, from any web browser, complete the following fields
in the [Config]/[Basic] menu:
1) "My domain name", 2) "My full hostname" and
3) if mail will be forwarded to an internal server, the
"Inside mailhost IP address".
That's it.
Other features such as optional daily reports and spam filtering can
then be configured, just as easily.
How do I convert an existing Postfix server?
Identify any customized Postfix configuration files under
/etc/postfix and either re-enter that data via the web interface
or update the corresponding .local file in /usr/postconf.
When finished navigate to the Admin menu and click Reload All.
When updating /usr/postconf/ take care to avoid
overriding parameters set by the PostConf web interface. After
reloading, the configuration can be checked by running "postconf -n"
and viewing /etc/postfix/
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