Postfix Spam Filter Reports:
Why Email Reports?
The most critical function of a spam filter is not simply to
eliminate spam but to do so and not filter legitimate mail.
Identifying false-positives is key to effective spam management
and acceptance by email recipients.
The only reliable way to avoid false-positives is by A) monitoring
the email server or gateway logs, and B) allowing end-users to receive a
daily report of email identified as spam and filtered.
Daily reports are automatically enabled in /etc/crontab if
you specified them during the installation dialog. The default
sender is the server domain's postmaster account. To add or
change email recipients use the [Reports]/[DailyReps] form OR, if you
are running a free/unlicensed version of PostConf:
run /usr/postconf/bin/updatecron.sh to update /etc/crontab
vi /usr/postconf/bin/spamrep_today
Look for the MAILTO line:
and define it per your domain:
To do the same for individual, by-user recipients:
vi /etc/postfix/reportrecipient
and add one email recipient address per line:
Other free utilities:
mq formats the output of Postfix' mailq command
txt2rbl converts text ip address blacklists to DNS RBL zone files
txt2rhsbl converts host/domain blacklists to DNS RHSBL zone files
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